Nomination committee
Under the Code, the Company is to have a nomination committee, the purpose of which is to submit proposals in respect of the chairman of general meetings, board member candidates (including the chairman), fees and other remuneration to each board member as well as remuneration for committee work, election of and remuneration to the external auditors and a proposal regarding the nomination committee for the following annual general meeting. The nomination committee’s proposals are presented in the official notice of the annual general meeting.
At the annual general meeting on 22 April 2021, the shareholders adopted the following principles for the appointment of the nomination committee. The nomination committee for the annual general meeting in the Company shall consist of five members, of whom four are to be appointed by the four largest owner registered shareholders, with respect to voting power, listed in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on the end of the third quarter of the Company’s financial year, and the chairman of the board, who also shall summon the nomination committee to its first meeting. The first nomination committee was appointed prior to the annual general meeting 2022.