Management team

Background: For the past 18 years, Fredrik has held various positions within Permascand, including CEO of Permascand AB. Prior to joining Permascand, Fredrik held the position as Group Manager at Eka Chemicals R&D Sundsvall.</p>
<p>Current positions: Member of the board of directors of SEKAB BioFuels & Chemicals AB, SEKAB E-Technology AB and 5J Holding AB.

Fredrik Herlitz

Chief Executive Officer,
Chief Commercial Officer
& Chief Technology Officer

Born: 1966

Education: Fredrik Herlitz holds a Master of Science degree in chemical engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Background: For the past 18 years, Fredrik has held various positions within Permascand, including CEO of Permascand AB. Prior to joining Permascand, Fredrik held the position as Group Manager at Eka Chemicals R&D Sundsvall.

Current positions: Member of the board of directors of SEKAB BioFuels & Chemicals AB, SEKAB E-Technology AB and 5J Holding AB.

Prior positions (past five years): Member of the board of JFL Holding AB, Teknikföretagen (North region) and Chamber of Commerce Sundsvall region.

Before joining Permascand, Linda Ekman held the position as CFO at NP3 Fastigheter AB. Prior to this, she held the position as Controller Group Finance at Permobil.

Linda Ekman

Chief Financial Officer

Born: 1979

Education: Linda Ekman holds a Master’s degree in Business and Economics from Uppsala University. 

Background: Before joining Permascand, Linda held the position as CFO at NP3 Fastigheter AB. Prior to this, she held the position as Controller Group Finance at Permobil.

Current positions: Deputy member of the board of BusinessDuke AB.

Prior positions (past five years): CFO at NP3 Fastigheter AB. In Lindas Ekmans role as CFO of NP3 Fastigheter AB she was also a board member in various real estate companies included in the NP3 real estate portfolio.

Peter Lundström, CEO: Permascands forward mission is to be no:1 global independent provider of electrochemical solutions for green technology.

Nicolas Laroche

Chief Strategy Officer

Born: 1983

Education: Nicolas Laroche holds a Master of Science degree in chemical engineering with speciality in electrochemistry.

Background: Prior to his current role as Chief Strategy Officer, Nicolas served as the Global Business Development Manager at Permascand and co-inventor of the world’s first electrochemical lithium processing technology to reach commercial production.

Prior positions (past five years): Member of the board of Canadian Hydrogen Association.

Background: Prior to his current role, Lars has held several positions at Permascand, including Business Development Manager and Business Manager at EctoSys. In addition, Lars was Business Manager at EctoSys at RWO GmbH between 2007 and 2013. </p>
<p>Current positions: Member of the board of Hussborg Microbrewery AB.

Lars Nyman

Chief Operations Officer

Born: 1969

Education: Lars Nyman has participated in studies in forestry at Hussborgs skogsbruksskola.

Background: Prior to his current role, Lars has held several positions at Permascand, including Business Development Manager and Business Manager at EctoSys. In addition, Lars was Business Manager at EctoSys at RWO GmbH between 2007 and 2013. 

Current positions: Member of the board of Hussborg Microbrewery AB.

Education: Lena Oskarsson Engberg holds a degree in human resources from Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI).</p>
<p>Background: Prior to joining Permascand, Lena held the position as HR Specialist at Samhall AB. Prior to this, she worked as HR Business Partner at Permobil AB and as HR-partner at IF Skadeförsäkring AB.

Lena Oskarsson Engberg

HR Manager

Born: 1966

Education: Lena Oskarsson Engberg holds a degree in human resources from Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI).

Background: Prior to joining Permascand, Lena held the position as HR Specialist at Samhall AB. Prior to this, she worked as HR Business Partner at Permobil AB and as HR-partner at IF Skadeförsäkring AB.

Education: Jens Michael Povlsen holds a bachelor in science degree in environmental science from University of Stirling.</p>
<p>Background: For the past three years Jens Michael has been part of the management team at Permascand in the role of QHSE manager. Jens Michael has a background in environmental policymaking, environmental regulations and enforcement in Denmark and Scotland. His primary focus has been in the areas of industrial and waste regulations which has clarified the role industry has in transitioning the economy to a more sustainable model via innovative solutions in products and processes.

Jens-Michael Povlsen

Sustainability Leader

Born: 1976

Education: Jens Michael Povlsen holds a bachelor in science degree in environmental science from University of Stirling.

Background: For the past three years Jens Michael has been part of the management team at Permascand in the role of QHSE manager. Jens Michael has a background in environmental policymaking, environmental regulations and enforcement in Denmark and Scotland. His primary focus has been in the areas of industrial and waste regulations which has clarified the role industry has in transitioning the economy to a more sustainable model via innovative solutions in products and processes.

Nariman Askarieh most recent role was Nordic Commercial Director at the global medical technology company Stryker and he has about twenty years of experience in leadership positions in multinational companies such as Stryker, Philips Health Systems, Ericsson, and Tetra Pak.

Erik Pedersen

Chief Transformation Officer

Born: 1983 

Education: Masters degrees in Financial analysis and accounting (MSc) from Stockholm School of Economic and Law (LLM) from Lund university.

Background: Management consultant, Partner at Bain & Company, focusing on growth transformation, sustainability, and strategy. Predominantly in advanced manufacturing, energy and B2B service sectors across all continents.